Posts Tagged ‘protection from radiation’

What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar Energy – The Energy of Life

What is Energy?

All life is energy. Our body produces energy from the nerve impulses at 70-90 milivolts when healthy (Barron, 2001). However, due to the current environment that we live in, this healthy energy is compromised.

See the difference before and after scalar energy is embedded.

For more details please click:

Limited offer!

Hi all!
We’re having a limited offer for Quantum Pendants!
Email me at for your best price now!

More info please visit 


Grab a few for your family too!

May we all live a healthier life in a healthier world!

Talking on the mobile phone just 30 minutes – Brain Cancer

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories

Talking on the mobile just 30mins a day linked with heightened risk of brain cancer

By Fiona Macrae
Last updated at 8:26 AM on 18th May 2010

Although the mobile phone study was criticised as being flawed, leader author Professor Elisabeth Cardis, said: 'We can't just conclude that there is no effect.'

Although the mobile phone study linking use to brain cancer was criticised as being flawed, leader author Professor Elisabeth Cardis, said: ‘We can’t just conclude that there is no effect.’

Using a mobile phone for just half an hour a day could raise the risk of brain cancer by up to 40 per cent, a controversial study has suggested.
Those who used the devices the most over ten years were more likely to be diagnosed with brain tumours, according to the World Health Organisation research.
But the results are sure to confuse people as they also suggested mobile phones made people less susceptible to tumours.
The researchers quizzed 5,000 people with brain tumours, and a similar number of healthy adults, about how often they used mobile phones in the past decade.
And the £16.5million Interphone study failed to find a link, the International Journal of Epidemiology reported.
It said ‘heavy’ users – those who used phones for a least half an hour a day – were 40 per cent more likely to develop glioma, an aggressive brain cancer.
They had 15 per cent higher chance of meningioma, another common cancer of the organ, it added.
But the British scientists involved in the study said these figures were flawed and urged people not to worry.
Some of those who took part claimed they used their mobile for more than 12 hours a day ten years ago – something which was ‘incredibly implausible’ but is likely to have skewed the results.
In addition, growths on the brain can affect memory.
Professor Anthony Swerdlow, of the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said: ‘The balance of evidence from this study, and in the previously existing scientific literature, does not suggest a causal link between mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours.
‘This study does not give reason for precautionary measures.’
However, others were less quick to dismiss the findings.
Professor Elisabeth Cardis, the study’s lead author, said: ‘We can’t just conclude that there is no effect.
‘There are indications of a possible increase. We’re not sure that it is correct. It could be due to bias, but the indications are sufficiently strong … to be concerned.’
Dr Christopher Wild, director of the WHO’s cancer research arm, called for more research into mobile phone use and brain cancer.
‘The results don’t allow us to conclude that there is any risk with mobile phone use, but… it is also premature to say there is no risk associated with it,’ he added.
Professor Denis Henshaw, a Bristol University radiation experts, said: ‘Children are known to be more vulnerable and we need to take action to protect them.
‘The challenge now is how we respond. Burying our heads in the sand is asking for trouble.’
WiredChild charity called for health warnings to be placed on mobile phone packaging.
But John Cooke, executive director of the Mobile Operators Association, which represents the industry, said: ‘The conclusion of no increased risk is consistent with the significant existing body of research reporting no health risk from using mobile phones.’

Cordless phones are exactly the same risk as highlighted by Dr Sadetski of the Israeli Interphone team and by Prof Hardell an independent researcher.
This study showed an increased risk for use amounting to 1/2 hour per day over 10 years. These were their ‘heavy users’ If there is a risk it is a heavy use group where we would expect to see tumours appearing.
This research was funded by the phone industry.The Interphone definition of a ‘regular’ user is someone who has made a call once a week for at least 6 months. Would you expect an increased risk there???
There are 11 flaws in this research. However they act to skew the results to show less risk . You can see this because their results show that regular users of mobile phones are 20% less likely to get cancer than non users which is clearly rubbish!
‘Heavy mobile users risk cancer’ This was the Sunday Times headline.
What to believe?.
Do your own research
The Interphone flaws can easily be found by googling.
What happens to a persons Brain, when the are exposed to TWO levels of Mobile Phone Mast Radiation Level on a 24/7 basis ? i.e. From 2 network mast locations close to ones home.
The Stewart Report asked for MORE Data and Evidence to be collected, and advised Caution about drawing conclusions.
What happened to that Data and Evidence ?
TWO doses of Mobile Mast Radiation 24/7 ?
Where are the tests results for THAT scenario ?
funny – because today (18th May 2010) The Times had the following story;
Largest study of mobile phone use finds no link to brain cancer’
by Sam Lister, Health Editor
so which is right – The Times story or The Mails story ?????
I don’t know about brain cancer, but they surely make people brain dead.
I, as a Nurse, was once aware of a small community in Cornwall many years ago that had a very high incidence of depression. The village was surrounded on all sides by a square of overhead cables; the 4 pylons forming the corners of a box. The connection was debated for ages until people were experimentally removed from the community and it was seen how the depressions lifted. So, if electric cables in close proximity can do this to people, how much more can a mobile phone do pressed against the head for long periods every day?
They’re not going to catch this one in time – most people will take the risk, just as they do with driving a car! Anonymous collateral damage like this is socially acceptable in modern society, in the same way as we put up with knife crime and drug-fuelled mayhem. Sacrifice in the name of common sense is not our strong suit! Mobile phones are the new cigarettes!

UK Daily Mail – Mobile Phone Hazards

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories

Hidden health risk in mobiles: Phone giants accused of burying warnings in small print

By Sean Poulter
Last updated at 3:03 AM on 10th October 2010

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about their handsets

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about their handsets

Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about the health risks of using their handsets.
A warning that Apple’s popular iPhone should be kept at least 15mm away from the body is buried deep inside the manual.
BlackBerry goes even further, saying customers should use their devices hands-free or keep them an inch from the body ‘including the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers’. Again, this advice is hidden in the instruction booklet.
All other manufacturers, including Nokia and HTC, carry similar small-print warnings despite insisting that holding mobiles against the ear and head is harmless.
Health campaigners and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for clear warnings to be put on handset boxes.
They are also demanding a public education campaign, starting in schools, to advise on the safe use of the devices.
Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, an independent group which investigates the safety of mobile phones, said: ‘Most people have no idea about these warnings.
‘The safety advice should be included on the boxes and far more prominently in the “getting started” section of user guides and not just in the detail at the back that hardly anyone reads.
‘This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools.’
The safety advice in manuals is designed to limit so-called Radio Frequency exposure. This is said to heat body tissue and some – inconclusive – research suggests it is linked to tumours in the brain.


Blackberry torch: Use hands-free operation if it is available and keep at least 0.98in (25mm) from your body when turned on and connected to the wireless network. Reduce call time. 
Apple iPhone: When using near your body for voice calls or for wireless network data, keep iPhone at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body and only use accessories that do not have metal parts. Again maintain at least 15mm separation from the body.
Nokia C6: Maintain a normal use position at the ear at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body. Any accessory should not contain metal and should position the device the above-stated distance from the body.

Most RF exposure comes from the antenna and it can increase when a phone is kept in a pocket because phones increase their power output when a network signal weakens.
Men who carry handsets on their belt or in their pockets with the keypad facing outward will suffer higher exposure because the antenna, which is always at the back, is close to the body.

SAR – Specific Absorption Rate – is the standard industry measurement for the amount of RF energy the body absorbs.
Mr Philips said: ‘When a phone has to power up, it sends high SAR power into the trunk and towards the kidneys and liver. It can be the testicles if in a trouser pocket.
‘Some girls carry them in chest bags which hang just below their breasts. Breasts, eyes and testicles absorb external RF energy the most. Blood-rich organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart are among the top energy absorbers.

Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the growing foetus in the first six months

Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the foetus in the first six months

‘The ovaries and foetus are relatively well protected by the trunk, but it obviously makes sense to keep the handset away from those areas, especially the foetus in the first six months. Many later-life causes of ill health are increasingly being recognised as having their roots in foetal exposure to chemicals, hormones, radiation of various sorts.’
He said most handsets also put out pulsed ELF magnetic fields which travel further into the body than RF signals. These are associated with childhood leukaemia and some adult cancers.
Caroline Lucas, Green Party leader and MP, said: ‘Greens have never said don’t use mobile phones, but we have always said that as with any other technology, we need to make people aware of any potential risks and give clear guidance regarding the safest possible use, so we can get the maximum benefit from the technology with the least possible risk.’
Mobile phone firms are legally required to advise customers on how to minimise RF exposure and use their manuals to do so.
Michael Milligan of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum said: ‘A mobile phone can always be used up against the head without the need for this separation, because phones are designed to have the antenna far enough away from the head when making a call.
‘Every mobile phone model is tested to make sure they meet national and international exposure limits for exposure to Radio Frequency emissions, before they can be sold in the UK or elsewhere.’
However, many new phones are so slim, antennas will be closer to the head than distances recommended by many manufacturers. 


My brother, at the age of 42, died of glioblastoma multigrade level 4, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. His doctors said that they thought it probably occurred because of his heavy use of a mobile phone, up to 4 hours a day and for 10 years. At the time, he didn’t have a speaker phone, but also didn’t believe use of the mobile phone close to his head could cause disease. He travelled a lot for work and needed it to keep in contact with clients, and he paid for this with his life.

Oooo, I do get angry with so many assumptions about what it is a school’s job to do. Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, says, with regard to the dangers from mobile phones, “This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools.” What nonsense. It begins in the home. It actually has nothing at all to do with the school, and when I was a Head I didn’t allow mobile phones at all below the Sixth Form, unless a parent could show a very compelling reason why a mobile was needed by their child and would sign a disclaimer about any future health problems that might result from using a mobile phone.
I don’t care what anyone says, I can FEEL the radiation given off by the more powerful phones – Blackberries seem to be the worst, followed by the Nokia models. When somebody near me on the train starts using a Blackberry I experience a stabbing pain in the side of my head – so much so that I sometimes have to go and sit elsewhere. People think I’m potty, but I am clearly hypersensitive to this type of radiation. Wi-fi-enabled laptops affect me in the same way.
When you think of all the electrical waves in your house from phones, laptops tv,s and microwaves its amazing we are not all walking around half cooked. Glad I dont work in curries or even a mobile phone shop.
Just about every ‘celebrity’ these days is photographed clutching a mobile phone, like it’s some sort of talisman. The other hand usually cradles a large plastic cup of coffee or a bottle of water…Can’t these people walk 100 yards down the street any more without making themselves look totally dependent?
When I first started using cellphones my brother, who is a staunch environmentalist, told me that mobile phones emitted unsafe levels of radiation. Well, I laughed and told him he was crazy.
Who is laughing now?
We are surrounded by devices that emit radiation. Are we safe?
Do we want to be safe?
Today going Green is all we hear. Save the plant! Find alternative energy!
Well do you know that one of the biggest polluters is China ?
Large quantities of goods that fail to perform as designed are dumped on Third World countries. Visiting stores in these countries expose defected merchandise that waste our planet resources. Where are the standards in developing countries that we expect in developed countries?
They are not enforced !!
We are being ripped off under the guise of going Green, while large manufacturing concerns in Asian countries continue to dwindle our precious resources.

Find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones here!

Quantum Charger

Quantum Charger benefits are as follows:
1. Increase horsepower and torque
2. Better acceleration response
3. Fuel saving and more milage
4. Works instantly
5. Last for lifetime
6. Easy to install
7. Transferrable to any vehicle
8. No maintenance required
9. Easier ignition and smoother running
10. Reduce engine noise
11. Works on all engines (Petrol, Diesel, NGV)
12. Does not interfere with car’s electronic and mechanical systems
Human Body
1. Enjoy vibrant health with risk-free showers that bring you refreshment and rejuvenation! A wonderful lifestyle that nourishes your body, mind and spirit!

2. Brings you a healthier and younger looking skin.

3. Regain your softer, healthier, managable hair.

4. Suitable for households, medical clinics, sauna, beauty care centres, health clubs, etc
Usage: Install Quantum Charger to any water hose/ car petrol hose.
Get one now for your car and home!
More info about prices please email

Other Scalar Energy Products

1. Premium Quantum Pendant

2. Quantum Bracelet

3. Quantum Watch

4. Quantum Pen

 5. Quantum Spa

6. Quantum Water

Each of these products has got its own function. All of these have scalar energy inside them.

You can email me at for more info on the price and product details. 

Quantum Shield

Protects healthy cells against harmful invisible EMF or EMR damage.

FusionExcel Scalar Energy Technology (SET) is leading the way in Energy Medicine innovations with the introduction of its new Quantum Shield. This revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Its universal application means the same Quantum Shield can be applied on all your electronic tech-gadgets (wired or wireless), household appliances, etc. – all of which emit various levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Research has shown prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive EMF and EMR causes a measurable stress response and negative shifts in the body’s key energetic systems such as the bio electric field. It also triggers a series of troubling biochemical responses. Studies have linked electro pollution to health concerns like fatigue and hyper-tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions.

Quantum Shield is the leader in eradicating electro pollution in the world of high technology. The ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel’s Quantum Shield can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc. If it plugs and plays on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield.

Quantum Shield “simply” blocks a large percentage of EMF or EMR that comes through it and it really works! Some appliances may need only 1 Quantum Shield, others may need 2, 3 or more depending on the nature of the device.  Here are some of the guidelines:

Watch this video demonstration by Phua Chu Kang!

Get one now for yourself and your family!

You can email me at for more info on the price.

Quantum Beauty Bar

FusionExcel’s Quantum BeautyBar (QBB), is the latest in skincare technology from France and is embedded with Fusionexcel’s scalar energy technology to give you a complete All-In-1 skincare solution (Read writeup below). QBB is different from most traditional skincare in the market as it is in the form of a bar of soap as compared to most skincare which are in liquid or lotion form and comes in bottles or jars. It is also different from traditional skincare which usually comes in 3 or 4 separate bottles or jars for different functions (cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising, etc). QBB is an All-In-1 skincare product designed for ease of use and convenience and is suitable for both men and women. You just apply with water and rinse off after 15-20 seconds. What can be easier than that! It saves you a lot of time, no more spending 30 mins or more to do your daily cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising, etc. (For men, you have an added bonus, you can use it as a shaving cream in the morning and shave yourself at the same time!) QBB is also easy to transport around when you travel (each bar is only 25 grams and fits easily into your toiletry pouch) and you dont have to worry about liquid or broken bottles in your luggage anymore.
Another Winning Product from FusionExcel that will go GLOBAL very quickly, just like the Quantum Pendant!


Quantum Beauty Bar is designed to fight against ageing through development of three active functions

namely, TimeCode, SurviCode and EnergyCode.

For the first time, the ageing genetic print has been defined and the “youth capital” code of the cells decoded. Three years of research led our French scientists to identify the two active ingredients selected from among more than a hundred molecules. Their lipoamino acid structure, obtained by bio-vectorisation of an amino acid on a lipid chain, optimizes cutaneous bio-affinity for enhanced efficacy. Specially developed objectification protocols have demonstrated their performance against causes of ageing (such as “inflamm-ageing”, reduction in stem cells longevity and cellular communication).

Thanks to an original cell ageing model the genetic mapping of young and artificially-aged fibroblasts has been determined. Age-related expression of key genes has been decrypted. This genetic mapping protocol has enabled the selection of the two active ingredients, TimeCode and SurviCode, that give cells a younger phenotype once more. As skin ages, it is subjected to numerous stresses. The previously described protocol demonstrated that several genes are involved in skin ageing. It results in several physiological changes to the dermis and epidermis. The skin is sensitized, dull and less firm. TimeCode combats these skin changes. SurviCode prevents a loss of regeneration potential, cell anarchy and skin fragility. Together they fight against ageing via original and complementary mechanisms of action, in order to restore the skin’s youthfulness.

Fighting chronic ageing

TimeCode, referred to in this article as the first active, combats chronic ageing or “inflamm-ageing”, which sensitizes the skin (inflammation code). It restores the skin’s microcirculation and provides the complexion with a new radiance (microcirculation code) and it strengthens the structure of the dermis, for a firmer skin (architecture code).

Inflammation Code

Chronic inflammation is a very important factor in cutaneous ageing, even though it is not much described in the literature. Recent publications reveal that interleukin-6 is present at high concentrations in the elderly. This proinflammatory cytokine plays a significant role in the ageing process. Indeed, an increase in this substance has been identified in artificially-aged cells. The first active limits the IL-6 genetic expression while restoring 60% of a young phenotype. Inflammatory ageing is reduced, and the skin regains its vital balance.

Microcirculation Code

The first active targets another cause of ageing: the deterioration of the micro vascular network which causes cell metabolism to slow down (poor oxygenation, lack of nutrients, etc.), leading to dermis degeneration. The skin becomes dull, tired, and lacks radiance. This makes wrinkles appear more visible. The first active promotes the formation of new vessels – an effect demonstrated on quantification of neo-vascularisation and correlated with an increase in complexion radiance on skin explants. The network is 18% improved and brightness is boosted without causing redness after 14 days of treatment. The first active therefore restores the skin’s radiant freshness via an original action code, which differs from that of complexion lighteners, which only act on tyrosinase.

Architecture Code

The action code of the first active also improves the architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM), the framework of the skin. Deterioration of ECM components leads to a loss of tissue firmness. Pro-collagen 1, tenascin C and dermatopontin (a recently identified protein) play a key role in the synthesis and organisation of the collagen network (main component of the ECM). It is a reduction in the gene expression of these three proteins that causes disorganization of the skin’s architecture. The first active restores simultaneously their expression, thereby boosting the synthesis and efficient organization of ECM. In addition, the components of the ECM are damaged by matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) or collagenase, the expression of which increases with age. The first active also reduces the expression of these proteins, to prevent deterioration of the dermal matrix. By promoting synthesis and preventing the deterioration of the ECM, the first active strengthens the architecture of the dermis and the epidermis. Thus, the skin becomes firm and soft again.

TimeCode reduces “inflamm-ageing” for a smoother skin, restores microvascularisation for a radiant complexion and protects the ECM architecture for a firmer skin. This active ingredient winds up the chronological dial of the cells and gives them back a new cutaneous youthfulness.

Boosting simultaneously SurviCode, subsequently referred to as the second active, offers a totally original cell survival code. This active ingredient is completely innovative as it is able to boost simultaneously the “time” proteins of dermal cells (sirtuin-1) and epidermal stem cells (nuclei survivin), providing a unique and revolutionary regeneration potential (cellular longevity code). It restores harmony between the cells by stimulating their “dialogue” proteins (communication code), and it protects the skin from external attacks by maintaining its sentinel cells efficacy (defence code).

Cellular Longevity Code

The quest for eternal youth is hugely important in the 21st century. How can it be achieved? One solution is to increase the longevity of stem cells in order to delay the development of wrinkles.

Our scientists have therefore focused on two “time” proteins: sirtuin-1 and nuclei survivin, which are essential to cellular longevity. Sirtuin-1, linked to all cells’ survival, ensures skin integrity. Nuclei survivin, specific to stem cells’ survival, guarantees the regeneration potential of the epidermis. The expression of these two “time” proteins falls significantly with ageing, triggering a slowdown in the vital functions of the cells. With the second active, the expression of survivin is restored to 152% and that of sirtuin-1 to 55%. SurviCode is the first active substance capable of acting simultaneously on the expression of sirtuin-1 and survivin. It has a totally original action against time, acting on dermal and epidermal cells, and it guarantees a unique regeneration potential.

Communication Code

Better cutaneous harmony is also ensured, thanks to the second active’s action on the “dialogue” proteins involved in communication between the cells of the dermis and the epidermis. Epidermal dialogue (between keratinocytes) is guaranteed by connexins, which compose the “GAP junctions” (dialogue channels). The structure of the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ), enabling dermal-epidermal exchange, is guaranteed by nidogen. Dermal-epidermal exchanges (fibroblasts, keratinocytes) are ensured by pleiotrophin, the role of which has recently been identified. During the ageing process, expression of these proteins decreases. Dialogue between the dermal and epidermal cells slows down, leading to cells anarchy. The second active reverses this process: it restores gene expression of these proteins (increases the expression of connexin-26 to 41%, of nidogen to 124% and of pleiotrophin to 14%). Old cells regain a younger phenotype and improve their communication at all levels of the skin. Harmony is restored.

Defense Code
The second active also acts against time and wrinkles by combating photo-ageing. The skin is protected by sentinel cells: Langerhans cells (LCs). During photo induced ageing, these cells are damaged, leading to a loss of the skin’s defenses. Skin explants exposed to UVB demonstrate a visible reduction in LCs. The addition of the second active prevents this process: the LCs is protected. They are able to fulfill their role of defending the skin properly. The second active represents a genuine cell survival code, making the skin beautiful for a long time. It boosts the survival of stem cells in order to protect the skin’s youthfulness. It restores communication between the dermis and epidermis for greater harmony and maintains photo protection of the skin to defend it against the signs of ageing.

Clinical efficacy

Thanks to their innovative action codes, the two actives clinically reduce deep, moderate and fine wrinkles after just 42 days of treatment (significant reduction in comparison with a reference anti-ageing formulation). The efficacy tests were conducted on volunteers (average age: 56 years).

with formulas containing 1% SurviCode and 1% TimeCode, in comparison with a formula containing 3% of a reference anti-ageing lipopeptide, for only 42 days of treatment. Up to 78% of volunteers demonstrated a positive anti-ageing effect with TimeCode and SurviCode. The actives’ action against wrinkles was statistically more effective than the reference anti-ageing lipopeptide.


The specially embedded scalar energized enhances the body’s bio-electric field when

when you use it on your face and body. It works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the skin cells in the body.

EnergyCode is also known to

• Reduce inflammation of the skin.
• Rejuvenate your skin by enhancing blood circulation and increase oxygenation to your skin.
• Increases energy to your overall being.
• Protect skin DNA from damage.
• Retard skin aging process.
• Increases hydration to your dry skin to prevent formation of wrinkles.
• Strengthens the body’s bio-field by preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s skin.

For a more comprehensive understanding of scalar energy, please refer to the book “Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy”, written by Dr. Siva Poobalasingam MD and Nisha Lakshmanan MA (published by FusionExcel International).

Quantum Beauty Bar pH.

The Quantum Beauty Bar’s pH range is between 7+ to 8 +. This pH will become lower with passage of time. The basic function of a beauty bar is to lather easily and the natural fragrance of the combined oils including natural scents can be readily released at this alkaline level of pH of 7 + to 8 +.

Quantum Beauty Bar choose this process so that more ingredients can be combined together. This new technology allows different types of molecular forces to stimulate the skin to utilise the Molecular Facilitation whereby enough molecular forces will cause ionic bonds between epidermal cells to loosen and temporarily widen gaps between cells for facilitating biochemical micro activities. It further improves the delivery system of the active ingredients to the target area of the skin.

In the past 10 years, most detergent manufacturers, due to lack of technologies to produce effective beauty bars, focus on producing products based on a pH of 5 + to 6.5 + (a little more acidic) for the outer skin to give the outer skin the so called “shine”. However, most of the active ingredients simply stay on the outer skin and washes away immediately. Quantum Beauty Bar is designed to penetrate to the innermost level of the skin which is not acidic in nature.

With this latest technology, Quantum Beauty Bar stimulates the skin’s oil and sweat glands directly, causing the skin to moisturize itself to give the anticipated shine or radiance or brightness. The old idea of “slightly acidic pH to prevent the growth of micro-organisms which can lead to infection and which causes pimples, etc.” does not apply here because Quantum Beauty Bar itself has multiple anti-microbial activities which work synergestically to kill existing micro-organisms fast. In fact, the higher the pH the chances of bacteria and viruses surviving will be lower. That’s the reason why table salt with a pH level of close to 14+ is widely used as a food preservative since the old days.


Scalar Energized Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Garcina Mangostana Peel Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Algae Extract Fragrance, Cocamide Dea, Glycerin, Mogosteen Pulp Extract, Citrus Microcarpa Extract, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Hydrolyzed Sweet Almond Protein, Potassium Palmitoyl, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Cocoyl Alanine and Palmitoyl Glycine.

Use the like normal soap 2 to 3 times daily.
Apply directly onto your face and body. After 20 Seconds, wash or shower it away.

Get one now for yourself and your family!

You can email me at for more info on the price.

Quantum Flask

Enhanced With Scalar Energy:

FusionExcel’s Quantum Flasks is a Stainless Steel Flask enhanced with Scalar Energy. R & D studies shows that energy from the Quantum Flask is capable of restructuring water molecules into smaller clusters. The smaller clusters of water enhance the bio-availability of water in the body thus promoting the various physiological functions in the body complex.

Properties Of Energized Water:

Water energized by this flask carries subtle energy vibrations that enhance the body’s biofield. This is essential for one’s health and wellness.

This type of water has smaller water clusters and this makes water more bio-available. Hence the absorption of nutrients and detoxification at the most basic level is facilitated and enables water to carry its myriad of functions effectively.


Simply fill up the Quantum Flask with normal drinking water. After a few minutes the water will be energized and is ready for consumption. Water from the Quantum Flask can also be used to wash open wounds and infected parts of the skin. Water used in this manner helps to relieve pain and hastens the healing process.

Health Benefits:

•To increase energy
•To promote unclumping of cells
•To enhance circulation
•To enhance immune and endocrine systems
•To destroy viruses and bacteria
•To enhance the cellular nutrition and detoxification
•To enhance cellular permeability
•To reduce inflammation
•To protect the DNA from damage
•To retard the ageing process
•To strengthen the body’s biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health
•To focus and concentrate better.

From the article on Energized Water, we can now know that water is an essential element that we consume everyday and how important it is to have clean, good quality energized water.
Get one now for yourself and your family!

You can email me at for more info on the price.

These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

Quantum Pendant

Note: Every Quantum Pendant has its own individual serial number and is part of a LIMITED SERIES.
Every Quantum Pendant has the following values:


FusionExcel’s Quantum Pendant is made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. The Quantum Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.

Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s bio-field. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Health Benefits:
•Reduces inflammation
•Promotes unclamping of cells
•Enhances circulation
•Enhances immune and endocrine systems
•Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
•Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
•Enhances cellular permeability
•Increases energy
•Helps to protect DNA from damage
•Helps to retard the ageing process
•Helps to fight cancer cells
•Strengthens the body’s bio-field preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health
•Increases focus and concentration

Fusion Excel’s Quantum Pendants are none magnetic, not electrical and require no maintenance. They emit a scalar energy filed including the essential k40 resonance; they are inert and are not radioactive.

This is one demonstration which was conducted using the Quantum Pendant. As you can see the colon congestion was reduced after wearing the pendant.

Click here to watch demonstration videos using Quantum Pendant.

We highly recommend that each person wears one with them all the time as it provides a wholistic improvement and maintenance of our health.

You can email me at to find out the price of this wonderful product.