Posts Tagged ‘fusion excel’

Skin Is A Good Sign of Aging

Skin is a Good Indicator of Aging

01. The skin is the outer most structure of our body.
02. It’s the largest organ and it’s the last organ that will receive nutrients.
03. The skin condition including color tone, disposition, texture and other abnormal indication are tell tales sign of illness and nutrient deficiency within body.
04. The skin’s outermost layer is being replaced every second of our life. Just the facial area of 4 by 8 inches, desquamate 50,000,000 dead cells per second.
05. Growing from the bottom layer of the epidermis to the outermost layer, it takes only 28 days (for ages below 16 years) and up to 50 days (for ages 50 years and above).
06. 28 days is considered as the standard yard stick for skin cell renewal. Skin becomes thinner at the Granular layer and thicker at the epidermis as we age when renewal rate slows down to 50 days.
07. Before 5 years of age, our skin is supple and elastic and by the time we reach 20 years old, our
skin begins to lose the elastic and supple disposition.
08. The sun’s UV is the main cause of skin problem. UV triggers Free Radicals that activate Ap1 thru transcription factor molecules that signal DNA within the cell to activate collagen tissue and digestive enzyme production.
09. These activities in return create Micro Scarring leading to wrinkle formation.
10. Another cause of wrinkle formation is the lack of “Energized Water” available for collagen synthesis. We need at least 2 liters of water per day to prevent dehydration.
11. UV induces Free Radical action which also induces photo sensitivities. The skin activates the enzyme tyrosinase to release melanin (color) to reduce UV penetration.
12. This gradually leads to development of uneven skin tone leading to pigmentation and age spots as we accumulate more DNA damages.
13. Structural changes, wrinkle formation and pigmentation are signs of skin aging.
14. Molecular nutrition is the answer.

Find out what you can do about your skin here!

Water Crystal Test


Frozen Water Crystal photos of Fusion Excel’s range of Scalar Energy products as developed by Dr. Emoto using his proprietary technology. The “Before” photo is of plain distilled water. There was no organized form or crystalline structure. The “After” photo is of the same distilled water but this time charged or energized by FE’s range of Scalar Energy products. The water crystals that are formed are beautifully structured hexagonal crystals. This shows that FE’s range of Scalar Energy products energize “Dead” water and turn it into “Living” water.

Find out more about Scalar Energy products here.

Energized Water

What is really wrong with our water, today? More and more people are hearing the expression, “our tap water is dead water”. Its common knowledge, of course, that our waterways, lakes, reservoirs and running water supplies are polluted willfully and unintentionally through mankinds many activities, habits and technologies. We already know much about the health risks in chlorinated drinking water, dangers that became more widely acknowledged as we approached the end of the last millennium. Yet, still, little is commonly known about the actual energised forces at work in clean, naturally-flowing, vibrant water; which enable it to so effectively perform its functions. Before we explore further, let us remind the reader of an underlying essential function of water.

An Essential Function of Water
One of the primary functions of water at a cellular level is to carry nutrients to organisms, and to efficiently carry away and dilute waste products. Water has also been referred to as “nature’s universal solvent”. It is needed by all life forms and ecologies, and by every major sustaining activity and industry of mankind.
In times past, water was deeply respected, often revered, as the essential fluid to all life – in the stages of conception, birth, growth, and sustenance, and to the healing of disease. Many naturalists, healers and scientists have spent their lives in consuming studies of the properties and essence of water – however, depending upon the breadth of their perception of the universal order of things, this has resulted in many conflicting and confusing schools of belief on the definition of truly healthy water.

What is Energised Water?
Energised water is ‘alive’ water, a living, functioning organism in itself. Tests with an Ohmmeter have shown that ‘alive’ water increases the energy level in the body of someone who has just been consuming such water. Photographs of the photon activity in water display a dramatic increase in the luminescence or light output once the water has been treated with Quantum Pendant. This increases photosynthesis (energy) in life forms that take up this water. Mankind has largely failed to understand this essential quality of health-giving, totally functioning water.
Energised water is water that has been given a highly orderly structure by natural magnetic forces found within the earth and from planetary magnetic forces, and allowed to come to the Earth’s surface via its preferred, natural pathways – in mountain springs, clean, natural rivers, naturally-occurring wells, and suchlike. Water always flows in an inwardly spiraling fashion whenever it is can – in a vortex or implosion course. Whether surface flowing or underground, non-manipulated water seeks its natural course – the path of least resistance and the path of maximum nutrition; witness the flow of a river as it moves in a serpentine fashion. The great natural scientist and thinker, Viktor Schauberger of Austria had the title “The Water Wizard” bestowed upon him for his ground breaking observations as to the true nature and inherent functions of water – the secrets of the vortex.
When we drink or wash in this fresh, clear water from these unadulterated sources, we feel refreshed and very energised. There have been countless healing effects observed and documented in respect to many natural springs and rivers found all around the globe. Examples are the waters of Lourdes and the Ganges River (regardless of its seemingly polluted state!), Fatima and Medjugorje. Photographs of the photon emissions and molecular clusters of these waters show an intensely active, light-filled and cohesive structure in all cases.
Quantum Pendant and Quantum Flask energised water is potentialised, cohesive water. The dynamic forces programmed for action within energised water may be transferred to living beings (man, animal or plant life). These dynamics are to be found not in the chemical structure of this water, but in its physical structure, on the level of its molecule groups.
The quality of water is derived from its physical structure, its underlying geometry and the frequencies that it has stored. As a result of the special physical parameters of energised water, various reaction processes producing positive effects are made possible. These many beneficial effects allow the widest conceivable possibilities of application, such as the re-energising of damaged water supplies. To fully understand what is meant by the term “damaged” water, we must first understand certain fundamental principles about the activity in water at the molecular level.

Subtle Energy Vibrations in Energised Water, Resonance and Memory of Water
We have mentioned above that the quality of water is derived from its structure and polarity. This is influenced by magnetic resonances and other “subtle energy” resonances exposed to the water, which then are transferred into the water itself.
Even on the molecular level, water is very much an alive, animated substance. Oxygen and hydrogen form a solid body, yet an amazingly restless and excited mass. In every drop of water, electrical charges cause a never-ending colliding, joining and breaking apart of particles, (all at a rate of billions of such movements per second), as the water molecule perpetually fluctuates between the hexagonal and the spherical shape. This same “molecular dance” happens in all live water, whether within the cellular fluid or within the rainbow or storm cloud. The permanent striving for the spherical or pyramidal shape is caused by the unstable angle of 104.5 degrees, in which the hydrogen and oxygen atoms cling to each other. At a temperature below 0 Celsius, there is a tendency towards the hexagon shape, while above 0 degrees the tendency is towards the spherical shape of the water molecules. This results in a perpetual back and forth fluctuation of the structure or form of the molecule, at this difficult-to-imagine, very rapid pace, and therefore there will always be a vibration, “a never-ending, microscopic whirling dance” in all water. Consequently, researchers speak of the “open structure” of the water, a quality that allows it to comply with other elements and at the same time to dissolve them.
Water combines with almost everything it comes in contact with. Consequently, there is not such a thing as “pure” water in nature. It is always “imprinted” by momentary contact with air, or contact with any surface or substance. It is influenced and changed by such, because of its innate “memory” – that is, water’s ability to retain residual vibrations of all substances contacting that water. Beneficial physical properties are produced in the water by its exposure to beneficial vibrations such as sunlight. Solar radiation results in an acceleration of the vibration of the water molecules, as they absorb energised oxygen, C02 and warmth. Harmful frequencies from water’s exposure to chemicals or heavy metals are left to linger in water after its contact with those harmful substances, even if such substances have been removed from the water through filtering, reverse osmosis, distillation, etc.
Through this vibrational ‘memory effect’, or ‘magnetic resonance’, information of a contaminant, including information of polarity is retained in the water molecule via its vibrations. This memory effect is sustained long after the disappearance of the contaminant from the water. The only known way of reversing this memory effect is through vibrational re-energising of the water. The direction of spin or rotation of the molecule itself is corrected, and its velocity can be accelerated in a dextrose or right-hand direction. We can say this also for any living thing, as all living things contain large percentages of water.

Until recently, ‘electro-smog’ was not understood in its role in causing the desirable, complex molecular clusters in water to disassociate. Electro-smog is the result of the almost non-stop saturation of the atmosphere by man-made frequency transmissions – radar, satellites, short wave, medium wave, cellular phone transmitters – the list goes on. Most scientific analysts hold up machines not sufficiently sophisticated to detect the impact of these waveforms upon living organisms, and conclude that electro-smog is not a major issue. Unfortunately, this is a ‘machine to machine’ reading (the impact of the output of one machine as registered on another machine), and this does not address the more subtle impacts of electro-smog. One should not use a thermometer to measure how tall one is, or at least to draw a conclusion about one’s height after taking one’s temperature!

Magnetism simply means power and information (energy) that runs from one pole to another. The universe, life forms and all of creation are built upon this principle of positive (plus) and negative (minus) poles. There are three different types of magnetic forces known in the universe:
1.Material Magnetism: evident in iron’s storage of permanent magnetism and in the North Pole / South Pole earth magnetism. This is a limited type of magnetism, related to a place, whereby only certain energy flow and therefore only particular materials (e.g. iron) can be attracted or repelled.
2.Gravity Magnetism: is related to space and time and involves various types of energy flow and the attraction of all materials.
3.Planetary Magnetism: (some times referred to as Scalar energy) the highest degree of magnetism, which governs the order of all creation in the universe, carrying information on life and heredity found in seeds, eggs and sperm cells; and planetary forces or energies such as of the sun or moon. This higher order of magnetism bears no relation to time or space, and programs all of Nature to absorb certain energies of information on life and heredity.
This controls, for example, the inevitable growth of a properly nurtured carrot seed into a carrot plant, such that this seed cannot become a turnip or any other type of plant. This planetary magnetism is related to the widely accepted energy humanity has named Life Force or Chi, or Prana – necessary for the existence of all life.
Different energies are produced through a combined action between the positive and negative of various magnetic forces. Energies are never actually generated, but rather simply transformed, through these combined and synergistic actions of the positive and negative polarities of the different magnetic forces explained above. This is why different matter emits different magnetic fields or magnetic resonances, or “vibrations”. It is this principle that is used in the process of re-energising dead water.
To refer back to the statement “magnetism simply means power and information” (i.e.. energy), what are the primary carriers of this energy to all matter? Water, of course. Water constantly transmits and receives the energies and information throughout all matter on or around the earth, indeed to all living things.
Similar to all living beings, the earth is made up of about 80% water. In the case of harmed or ‘dead’ water, the all-important energetic (magnetic/polarity) functions of water for the proper functioning of all life forms are rendered defective or sometimes nonexistent.

What is Damaged Water?
Damaged water is “dead” water; water that has had the health-giving and beneficial sub molecular oscillations (“vibrations”) removed from it through various forms of man’s aggression, such as:
•Being forced through turbines at large reservoir exit points preceding the pipelines,
•Being forced through miles of straight, narrow, high-pressure pipes in an abnormal motion,
•Being poisoned through chlorination and other pollution, heavy metals, etc.
•Being bombarded with electro-smog.
The potent yet subtle energies that the natural, healthy water had incorporated in to its physical structure through absorption of sunlight and moonlight and its exposure to beneficial underground magnetic fields are lost in the above processes. It is lost through friction, incompatible carrying processes, electro-smog and chemical poisoning. Unfortunately, due to the memory impairment sustained by all water, these losses of energy in damaged water are becoming cumulative, around the planet. When we add to this energy depletion problem the increasing load of countless pollutants on our sick water supplies, (including chlorine and other biocides killing the much-needed beneficial microbes) the end result is chronic deterioration of the environment.
The above-mentioned “memory effect” phenomenon of water is observed on the molecular vibration level, as being present even in thoroughly or chemically cleansed water. We can keep scrubbing water with more chlorine, bromine, ozone, etc. Nevertheless, after such treatments, it is still “damaged water”. It continues to bear and transfer residual sub molecular information (sometimes called “subtle energy vibrational effect”) from chemicals that were previously present in it, and oscillations from all the other impositions exerted upon it by our ‘modern’ infrastructures.
What can we do to restore this dead water? The answers have been coming to us from visionary naturalists and quantum-scientists since the latter part of the last century, several of whom have discovered the nature of the processes that energised the water in its natural flows, (i.e. inwards, in a vortex fashion) and how to reinstate these energised, positive energies.

What is Re-energised Water?
In plain terms, re-energisation of water simply restores its natural energies. Re-energised water is ‘spin’ restructured water, whereby the polarity of the water molecules and the contaminants are reversed. This will bring back the beneficial vibratory qualities of this water supply without actually filtering or removing harmful substances. The directional spin of the electrons determines polarity. Counterclockwise = positive polarity & clockwise = negative polarity.
Some of the properties of energised water are:
•Lowering of surface tension closer to that of cellular water (an indication of increased internal orderliness).
•The density also changes, and therefore the freezing and boiling points.
•The water becomes a more efficient carrier, delivering nutrients and bearing away wastes more efficiently from the systems of all living things.
•It is a better cleanser and does not irritate the skin as dead water often does.
•The flavour is always altered to a much more pleasant, fresh taste.
•The water appears clearer.

What is Quantum Pendant and Quantum Flask?

Click to find out how you can energize your water and keep a healthy body!

Mobile Phones Boosts Brain Tumor By 270%!

(NaturalNews) As little as 10 minutes on a cell phone can trigger changes in brain cells linked to cell division and cancer, suggests a new study conducted by researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and published in the Biochemical Journal.

Previously, advocates of cell-phone safety have maintained that the phones cannot cause brain damage because the microwave radiation that they emit is at a level too low to heat the body’s cells. But in the new study, changes in biological processes began at an energy level even lower than that used by a typical phone, even without heating occurring.

“Safety guidelines assume [that] health effects from mobiles can only occur when significant heating of body tissue occurs. [But] this study shows biological changes in response to low-level mobile phone radiation — something that could potentially have implications for health,” said Graham Philips of the British nonprofit Powerwatch.

Researchers exposed both human and rat cells to low-level radiation at a frequency of 875 megahertz, a similar frequency to that used by most cellular phones. The intensity of the radiation was far lower than that used by most phones, however.

Even so, within 10 minutes the scientists observed changes within the cells. A chemical switch regulating cell division was switched on — a switch that has been linked to a variety of cancers.

There was no direct evidence of cancer inducement in the current study. However, the researchers point out that the changes occurring at the low radiation level were non-thermal in nature, something previously said to be impossible. Thus, the study challenges the entire basis on which cell phones’ presumption of safety has been based.

“The significance lies in showing cells do react to cell-phone radiation in a non-thermal way,” said co-author Rony Seger. “We used radiation power levels that were around one tenth of those produced by a normal mobile. The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating.”

“This helps explain why mobile phone radiation has been linked to increases in cancer tumors,” said consumer health advocate Mike Adams. “Until now, skeptics have said the radiation wasn’t intense enough to cause cells to overheat, but now we’re learning there can be significant cellular changes taking place at far lower levels of exposure.”

Click here to find out how you can protect yourself and your family!

The Negative Effects of EMF Radiation On Our Health

The world suffers from electromagnetic contamination, e-smog, or Electromagnetic pollution. The widespread use of technology that radiates EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequency) and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) constantly bombards the human body affecting its biofield. Fourteen scientists, public health and public policy experts documented ON “The BioInitiative Report,” the scientific evidence on health impacts of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Diseases due to excessive exposure to EMF are the following:
1. child leukemia
2. brain tumor
3. adult brain tumors
4. acoustic neuromas
5. breast cancer
6. diseases of the nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease
7. motor neuron disease and Parkinson’s disease effects on the DNA
8. damage causes mutation and initiating cancer; effects on stress proteins
9. relentless onslaught of ELF and RF weakens the stress proteins; effects on the immune system
10. Chronic provocation by exposure to ELF and RF can lead to immune dysfunction
11. Chronic allergic responses
12. Inflammatory diseases
13. Ill health
14. Infertility
15. Reduces sperm count in male by 35%
16. Poor concentration
17. Sleep disruption
18. Immune dysfunction

Ther are studies that report that carrying cellphone near groin could impair sperm count as well as sperm health. Furthermore, it has been studied that microwaves also increase production of cellulite that increases the signs of premature aging.

Many scientists and government agencies in Europe have already accepted that EMF from cellphones does pose health risks.
“Scientists do not argue anymore whether mobile phones are harmful, but how harmful they are.”

While the body already ages, lacks exercise and proper diet, the e-smog intensifies vulnerability to all kinds of sickness and disease.
Scalar energy protects the body from e-smog and strengthens the human biofield to facilitate health and healing

Click here and here to find out how you can protect yourself and your family!

Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine acknowledges energy as a subtle, living force: a force that determines the status of one’s health and general beings. In Energy Medicine, a man is seen as a network of vital energy both within and outside the physical body.

According to Energy Medicine, disease begins when there is a disturbance or obstruction in the energy patterns. When we have a physical illness, disease or injury, ‘compressions’ form in the energy field around the body. Even if you attempt to heal the physical effect, it is unlikely that healing will take place until the energy field is balanced and harmonize.

In Energy medicine, healing takes place with the body activating its natural healing energies. The healing process also restores energy patterns that have become compromised by nurturing the weak links back to health. This means that in energy medicine, energy is both medicine (natural healing energies) and the patient (weak energy link).Energy medicine is not a new field of science; traditional systems of medicine in India and China have used and continue to use the principles of Energy Medicine in healing patients.

Modern day therapies that use the principles of Energy Medicine includes therapies such as breathing techniques, acupuncture, biofield therapies, bio- magnetic therapies and homeopathy.

Life Energy
All life is made up of unseen energy. All cells produce and maintain an electrical charge of 70-90 millivolts across their membranes – if it is healthy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Contraction of muscles is powered by chemical energy. Digestion of food particles, clearing and repair of injured tissues, and specialized activities within cells, have been described as carriers of energy.As a person grows older, acquires disease, or experiences stress, the voltage of the cell decreases. This decrease in energy has significant effects on the body, most significantly is the decreased ability of the body to recuperate. This is where the application of scalar energy comes in.

Earth’s Energy Fields and the Human Body
All human beings and living things have their own fields of energy surrounding them.There are also various forms of natural electro-magnetic waves that occupy the atmosphere. These forms of energy come from the earth; moon and the sun.The human body is not affected negatively by natural present electro-magnetic fields. These electro-magnetic fields are essential for proper growth and development of the human body.Man and all living things coexist in harmony amidst this backdrop of electro-magnetic waves.

The Human Subtle Energy System or Body’s Biofield
Just as we have a physical anatomy, we have also have an “energy anatomy”. The “human energy biofield”, surrounds and permeates the physical body. The Chinese refer to this energy or life force as ‘Chi’ the vital life force energy of the Universe, Hindus call it prana. Greeks know it as pneuma. Japanese refer to it as ki. Present within every living thing. The physical body is viewed as being made up of the cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, digestive and reproduction systems. Together with the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, these systems made up the physical dimension of the human body.

The human body’s subtle energy system is a distinct energy system that functions alongside the traditionally accepted systems.The health status of the body’s energy is measured in terms of its flow, balance and harmony. For optimum health, the body’s energy needs to be in a constant state of movement. Positive energy flows freely in the energy systems bring vitality and health.Obstructed stale or unbalanced energy is the result of negative fields of energy. When energy pathways are blocked, free flow of vital energy is prevented. This brings about an imbalance to the energy system and can lead to diseases.

Factors that affect the optimum functioning of the body’s biofield:
  • Any form of stress- physical, emotional, mental, and environmental.
  • Trauma, abuse, nutritional deficiencies, toxin in body, outside pathogens, auto intoxication and immune dysfunction
  • Unnatural man made electro magnetic field, a form of pollution that impacts the body negatively (60 cycle magnetic energy)
  • Negative geopathic stress- underground streams and underground crystalline deposits that produce abnormal magnetic fields.

How can you protect yourself and your family? Click here to find out more.