The Negative Effects of EMF Radiation On Our Health

The world suffers from electromagnetic contamination, e-smog, or Electromagnetic pollution. The widespread use of technology that radiates EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequency) and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) constantly bombards the human body affecting its biofield. Fourteen scientists, public health and public policy experts documented ON “The BioInitiative Report,” the scientific evidence on health impacts of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Diseases due to excessive exposure to EMF are the following:
1. child leukemia
2. brain tumor
3. adult brain tumors
4. acoustic neuromas
5. breast cancer
6. diseases of the nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease
7. motor neuron disease and Parkinson’s disease effects on the DNA
8. damage causes mutation and initiating cancer; effects on stress proteins
9. relentless onslaught of ELF and RF weakens the stress proteins; effects on the immune system
10. Chronic provocation by exposure to ELF and RF can lead to immune dysfunction
11. Chronic allergic responses
12. Inflammatory diseases
13. Ill health
14. Infertility
15. Reduces sperm count in male by 35%
16. Poor concentration
17. Sleep disruption
18. Immune dysfunction

Ther are studies that report that carrying cellphone near groin could impair sperm count as well as sperm health. Furthermore, it has been studied that microwaves also increase production of cellulite that increases the signs of premature aging.

Many scientists and government agencies in Europe have already accepted that EMF from cellphones does pose health risks.
“Scientists do not argue anymore whether mobile phones are harmful, but how harmful they are.”

While the body already ages, lacks exercise and proper diet, the e-smog intensifies vulnerability to all kinds of sickness and disease.
Scalar energy protects the body from e-smog and strengthens the human biofield to facilitate health and healing

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