Talking on the mobile just 30mins a day linked with heightened risk of brain cancer

By Fiona Macrae
Last updated at 8:26 AM on 18th May 2010

Although the mobile phone study was criticised as being flawed, leader author Professor Elisabeth Cardis, said: 'We can't just conclude that there is no effect.'

Although the mobile phone study linking use to brain cancer was criticised as being flawed, leader author Professor Elisabeth Cardis, said: ‘We can’t just conclude that there is no effect.’

Using a mobile phone for just half an hour a day could raise the risk of brain cancer by up to 40 per cent, a controversial study has suggested.
Those who used the devices the most over ten years were more likely to be diagnosed with brain tumours, according to the World Health Organisation research.
But the results are sure to confuse people as they also suggested mobile phones made people less susceptible to tumours.
The researchers quizzed 5,000 people with brain tumours, and a similar number of healthy adults, about how often they used mobile phones in the past decade.
And the £16.5million Interphone study failed to find a link, the International Journal of Epidemiology reported.
It said ‘heavy’ users – those who used phones for a least half an hour a day – were 40 per cent more likely to develop glioma, an aggressive brain cancer.
They had 15 per cent higher chance of meningioma, another common cancer of the organ, it added.
But the British scientists involved in the study said these figures were flawed and urged people not to worry.
Some of those who took part claimed they used their mobile for more than 12 hours a day ten years ago – something which was ‘incredibly implausible’ but is likely to have skewed the results.
In addition, growths on the brain can affect memory.
Professor Anthony Swerdlow, of the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said: ‘The balance of evidence from this study, and in the previously existing scientific literature, does not suggest a causal link between mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours.
‘This study does not give reason for precautionary measures.’
However, others were less quick to dismiss the findings.
Professor Elisabeth Cardis, the study’s lead author, said: ‘We can’t just conclude that there is no effect.
‘There are indications of a possible increase. We’re not sure that it is correct. It could be due to bias, but the indications are sufficiently strong … to be concerned.’
Dr Christopher Wild, director of the WHO’s cancer research arm, called for more research into mobile phone use and brain cancer.
‘The results don’t allow us to conclude that there is any risk with mobile phone use, but… it is also premature to say there is no risk associated with it,’ he added.
Professor Denis Henshaw, a Bristol University radiation experts, said: ‘Children are known to be more vulnerable and we need to take action to protect them.
‘The challenge now is how we respond. Burying our heads in the sand is asking for trouble.’
WiredChild charity called for health warnings to be placed on mobile phone packaging.
But John Cooke, executive director of the Mobile Operators Association, which represents the industry, said: ‘The conclusion of no increased risk is consistent with the significant existing body of research reporting no health risk from using mobile phones.’

Cordless phones are exactly the same risk as highlighted by Dr Sadetski of the Israeli Interphone team and by Prof Hardell an independent researcher.
This study showed an increased risk for use amounting to 1/2 hour per day over 10 years. These were their ‘heavy users’ If there is a risk it is a heavy use group where we would expect to see tumours appearing.
This research was funded by the phone industry.The Interphone definition of a ‘regular’ user is someone who has made a call once a week for at least 6 months. Would you expect an increased risk there???
There are 11 flaws in this research. However they act to skew the results to show less risk . You can see this because their results show that regular users of mobile phones are 20% less likely to get cancer than non users which is clearly rubbish!
‘Heavy mobile users risk cancer’ This was the Sunday Times headline.
What to believe?.
Do your own research
The Interphone flaws can easily be found by googling.
What happens to a persons Brain, when the are exposed to TWO levels of Mobile Phone Mast Radiation Level on a 24/7 basis ? i.e. From 2 network mast locations close to ones home.
The Stewart Report asked for MORE Data and Evidence to be collected, and advised Caution about drawing conclusions.
What happened to that Data and Evidence ?
TWO doses of Mobile Mast Radiation 24/7 ?
Where are the tests results for THAT scenario ?
funny – because today (18th May 2010) The Times had the following story;
Largest study of mobile phone use finds no link to brain cancer’
by Sam Lister, Health Editor
so which is right – The Times story or The Mails story ?????
I don’t know about brain cancer, but they surely make people brain dead.
I, as a Nurse, was once aware of a small community in Cornwall many years ago that had a very high incidence of depression. The village was surrounded on all sides by a square of overhead cables; the 4 pylons forming the corners of a box. The connection was debated for ages until people were experimentally removed from the community and it was seen how the depressions lifted. So, if electric cables in close proximity can do this to people, how much more can a mobile phone do pressed against the head for long periods every day?
They’re not going to catch this one in time – most people will take the risk, just as they do with driving a car! Anonymous collateral damage like this is socially acceptable in modern society, in the same way as we put up with knife crime and drug-fuelled mayhem. Sacrifice in the name of common sense is not our strong suit! Mobile phones are the new cigarettes!