Quantum Flask

Enhanced With Scalar Energy:

FusionExcel’s Quantum Flasks is a Stainless Steel Flask enhanced with Scalar Energy. R & D studies shows that energy from the Quantum Flask is capable of restructuring water molecules into smaller clusters. The smaller clusters of water enhance the bio-availability of water in the body thus promoting the various physiological functions in the body complex.

Properties Of Energized Water:

Water energized by this flask carries subtle energy vibrations that enhance the body’s biofield. This is essential for one’s health and wellness.

This type of water has smaller water clusters and this makes water more bio-available. Hence the absorption of nutrients and detoxification at the most basic level is facilitated and enables water to carry its myriad of functions effectively.


Simply fill up the Quantum Flask with normal drinking water. After a few minutes the water will be energized and is ready for consumption. Water from the Quantum Flask can also be used to wash open wounds and infected parts of the skin. Water used in this manner helps to relieve pain and hastens the healing process.

Health Benefits:

•To increase energy
•To promote unclumping of cells
•To enhance circulation
•To enhance immune and endocrine systems
•To destroy viruses and bacteria
•To enhance the cellular nutrition and detoxification
•To enhance cellular permeability
•To reduce inflammation
•To protect the DNA from damage
•To retard the ageing process
•To strengthen the body’s biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health
•To focus and concentrate better.

From the article on Energized Water, we can now know that water is an essential element that we consume everyday and how important it is to have clean, good quality energized water.
Get one now for yourself and your family!

You can email me at himalayannaturalgifts@gmail.com for more info on the price.

These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

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