Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine acknowledges energy as a subtle, living force: a force that determines the status of one’s health and general beings. In Energy Medicine, a man is seen as a network of vital energy both within and outside the physical body.

According to Energy Medicine, disease begins when there is a disturbance or obstruction in the energy patterns. When we have a physical illness, disease or injury, ‘compressions’ form in the energy field around the body. Even if you attempt to heal the physical effect, it is unlikely that healing will take place until the energy field is balanced and harmonize.

In Energy medicine, healing takes place with the body activating its natural healing energies. The healing process also restores energy patterns that have become compromised by nurturing the weak links back to health. This means that in energy medicine, energy is both medicine (natural healing energies) and the patient (weak energy link).Energy medicine is not a new field of science; traditional systems of medicine in India and China have used and continue to use the principles of Energy Medicine in healing patients.

Modern day therapies that use the principles of Energy Medicine includes therapies such as breathing techniques, acupuncture, biofield therapies, bio- magnetic therapies and homeopathy.

Life Energy
All life is made up of unseen energy. All cells produce and maintain an electrical charge of 70-90 millivolts across their membranes – if it is healthy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Contraction of muscles is powered by chemical energy. Digestion of food particles, clearing and repair of injured tissues, and specialized activities within cells, have been described as carriers of energy.As a person grows older, acquires disease, or experiences stress, the voltage of the cell decreases. This decrease in energy has significant effects on the body, most significantly is the decreased ability of the body to recuperate. This is where the application of scalar energy comes in.

Earth’s Energy Fields and the Human Body
All human beings and living things have their own fields of energy surrounding them.There are also various forms of natural electro-magnetic waves that occupy the atmosphere. These forms of energy come from the earth; moon and the sun.The human body is not affected negatively by natural present electro-magnetic fields. These electro-magnetic fields are essential for proper growth and development of the human body.Man and all living things coexist in harmony amidst this backdrop of electro-magnetic waves.

The Human Subtle Energy System or Body’s Biofield
Just as we have a physical anatomy, we have also have an “energy anatomy”. The “human energy biofield”, surrounds and permeates the physical body. The Chinese refer to this energy or life force as ‘Chi’ the vital life force energy of the Universe, Hindus call it prana. Greeks know it as pneuma. Japanese refer to it as ki. Present within every living thing. The physical body is viewed as being made up of the cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, digestive and reproduction systems. Together with the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, these systems made up the physical dimension of the human body.

The human body’s subtle energy system is a distinct energy system that functions alongside the traditionally accepted systems.The health status of the body’s energy is measured in terms of its flow, balance and harmony. For optimum health, the body’s energy needs to be in a constant state of movement. Positive energy flows freely in the energy systems bring vitality and health.Obstructed stale or unbalanced energy is the result of negative fields of energy. When energy pathways are blocked, free flow of vital energy is prevented. This brings about an imbalance to the energy system and can lead to diseases.

Factors that affect the optimum functioning of the body’s biofield:
  • Any form of stress- physical, emotional, mental, and environmental.
  • Trauma, abuse, nutritional deficiencies, toxin in body, outside pathogens, auto intoxication and immune dysfunction
  • Unnatural man made electro magnetic field, a form of pollution that impacts the body negatively (60 cycle magnetic energy)
  • Negative geopathic stress- underground streams and underground crystalline deposits that produce abnormal magnetic fields.

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